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Oceana Perú

Microplastics: The first spot made with AI in Peru

Oceana Perú

Microplastics: The first spot made with AI in Peru

América Televisión

Ahead there is room

América Televisión

Ahead there is room

Arti Creativo

Unlimited connections between parents and children

Arti Creativo

Unlimited connections between parents and children

Scotiabank Canada

Building a regional brand in the field of inclusion

Scotiabank Canada

Building a regional brand in the field of inclusion

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Peru is sick, and to cure it we need more than doctors.

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Peru is sick, and to cure it we need more than doctors.


Sometimes all a brand needs to do is simply cease to exist.


Sometimes all a brand needs to do is simply cease to exist.

Caja Arequipa

From leading the Municipal Savings Bank System to fighting for the Top 5 of the National Bank System.

Caja Arequipa

From leading the Municipal Savings Bank System to fighting for the Top 5 of the National Bank System.


Exploring the Peruvian reality one day at a time, to build an iconic brand.


Exploring the Peruvian reality one day at a time, to build an iconic brand.

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